Edgewater's Spring Meet and Greet Party
Saturday May 6th
Hamburgers/ Hotdogs and Chips
(no side dishes needed)
Bring your appetite and your choice of beverage along with your lawn chairs, come meet your neighbors and make new friends!!!
Greet your neighbors! Enjoy Fun Times and make memories at the Lakeview Lodge.
Edgewater RV Park will be hosting its annual Fish Camp. $20 per person buy in. $100 pay out to the biggest fish, $100 pay out to the team that catches the most fish. Their will be a fish fry that Sunday at noon with pay outs during the fish fry. Rules are for catfish only, teams may begin fishing on Thursday morning at 8am and cease Saturday evening. Teams must have their money turned in no later than Thursday May 17th at 6pm. Contact the office for more information. 918-243-5248.
Find out more »Edgewater RV Park will be having its annual Professional Fireworks Display on Friday June 30th. Fireworks should be set to go off at Dusk or a little after (weather permitting) hope to see everyone there!!!! by land or water.
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